React JS


React.js, often referred to simply as React, is an open-source JavaScript library maintained by Facebook and a community of developers. It's primarily used for building user interfaces (UIs) for web applications. The following are common topics and details you might find in a React.js course:

Duration :

Offline Classroom Training : The course will last 1 to 2 months, featuring live projects and sample models

Introduction to React:
  • What is React and why is it popular?

  • React's component-based architecture.

  • Setting up the development environment (Node.js, npm or yarn, and a code editor).

JSX (JavaScript XML):
  • Understanding JSX, which allows you to write HTML-like code within JavaScript.

  • How to render JSX elements in the browser.

  • Creating and using React components.

  • Class components vs. functional components.

  • State and props in components.

  • Component lifecycle methods.

Managing State:
  • Handling component state and props.

  • Using hooks like useState and useEffect.

  • State management with Redux (state management library).

Lifecycle Methods (for Class Components):
  • Lifecycle methods are methods that execute at different stages of a component's life cycle (e.g., mounting, updating, unmounting).

  • With class components, lifecycle methods like componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, componentWillUnmount, etc., are used.

  • Hooks are functions that enable using state and other React features in functional components.

  • Commonly used hooks include useState, useEffect, useContext, etc.

Routing and Navigation:
  • React Router is a popular library for handling routing and navigation in React applications.

  • It enables navigation between different views or pages within a single-page application.

Forms and User Input:
  • React provides controlled components and event handling to manage form inputs.

  • It allows creating interactive forms where React manages the form state.

Forms and User Input:
  • React provides controlled components and event handling to manage form inputs.

  • It allows creating interactive forms where React manages the form state.

Component Styling:
  • Various methods exist for styling React components, such as CSS-in-JS libraries, CSS Modules, inline styles, etc.

API Interaction and Data Fetching:
  • React applications often need to fetch data from APIs.

  • fetch() API, Axios, or other HTTP client libraries are used to perform data fetching.

State Management Libraries (e.g., Redux, MobX):
  • Libraries like Redux and MobX help manage complex application state in React.

  • They offer centralized state management and facilitate predictable data flow.

Testing React Applications:
  • Testing libraries like Jest, React Testing Library, and Enzyme are used to test React components and their behavior.

Optimization and Performance:
  • Techniques like memoization, code splitting, optimizing renders, and reducing unnecessary re-renders are used to improve React app performance.

Real-World Projects and Best Practices:
  • Best practices involve structuring React applications, code organization, folder structure, naming conventions, and scalability.

  • Real-world projects demonstrate applying React concepts to build applications, adhering to industry best practices.