

Node.js is a powerful, open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. It allows developers to use JavaScript for server-side scripting, enabling the development of scalable and high-performance network applications. Here's a general overview of what you might find in a Node.js course:

Duration :

Offline Classroom Training : The course will last 1 to 2 months, featuring live projects and sample models.

Introduction to Node.js:
  • Understanding the purpose and advantages of Node.js.

  • Installing Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager).

JavaScript and Asynchronous Programming:
  • A review of essential JavaScript concepts.

  • Introduction to asynchronous programming and callbacks.

Modules and the Node.js Ecosystem:
  • Creating and using modules in Node.js.

  • Exploring the Node.js ecosystem and the npm registry.

Core Modules:
  • Overview of built-in Node.js modules like fs (File System), http, events, and util.

Event Loop and Event Emitters:
  • Understanding the event loop and event-driven architecture.

  • Creating custom event emitters.

Working with Files and Streams:
  • Reading and writing files in Node.js.

  • Using streams for efficient data processing.

Web Servers with Node.js:
  • Building HTTP servers using the http or express module.

  • Handling HTTP requests and responses.

  • Creating RESTful APIs with Node.js.

  • Implementing CRUD operations using HTTP methods.

Asynchronous Control Flow:
  • Techniques for managing asynchronous operations, including callbacks, promises, and async/await.

Working with Databases:
  • Connecting to databases (e.g., MongoDB or MySQL) using Node.js.

  • Querying and interacting with databases.

Authentication and Security:
  • Implementing user authentication and authorization.

  • Best practices for securing Node.js applications.

Middleware and Routing:
  • Implementing middleware functions for request processing.

  • Setting up routing for web applications.

Real-Time Communication (optional):
  • Building real-time applications using WebSockets and libraries like

Testing and Debugging:
  • Writing unit tests for Node.js applications.

  • Debugging techniques and tools.

Performance Optimization:
  • Strategies for optimizing Node.js applications for speed and efficiency.

  • Profiling and benchmarking.

  • Preparing Node.js applications for deployment to production servers.

  • Deployment on cloud platforms like AWS, Heroku, or Azure.

Package Management and Build Tools:
  • Managing project dependencies using npm.

  • Using build tools like Webpack for front-end and Babel for transpilation.

REST API Best Practices:
  • Guidelines for designing and documenting RESTful APIs.

Scalability and Load Balancing:
  • Techniques for scaling Node.js applications horizontally.

  • Implementing load balancing.