Full Stack Development - PHP Laravel with React JS


A Full Stack Development course that covers PHP Laravel with ReactJS typically provides a comprehensive education in building web applications that encompass both front-end and back-end development. Below are the course details you might expect to find in such a program:

Duration :

Offline Classroom Training : Course will be 1 to 2 months duration with live projects and sample models.

Introduction to Full Stack Development:
  • Overview of the role of a full stack developer.

  • Introduction to PHP, Laravel, and ReactJS.

Front-End Development with ReactJS:
  • ReactJS fundamentals, including components, state, and props.

  • Building user interfaces with React.

  • State management using Context API or Redux.

  • Routing and navigation in React applications.

  • Handling forms and user input.

  • Consuming APIs and working with RESTful services.

Back-End Development with PHP Laravel:
  • Introduction to PHP and the Laravel framework.

  • Setting up a Laravel project.

  • Creating RESTful APIs and routes with Laravel.

  • Authentication and authorization in Laravel.

  • Database interaction with Laravel's Eloquent ORM.

Database Management:
  • Relational database concepts.

  • Database design, modeling, and normalization.

  • Database interaction with MySQL, PostgreSQL, or other relational databases.

  • Using migrations and seeding data.

Version Control and Collaboration:
  • Utilizing Git for version control.

  • Collaborative development, merging, and branching strategies.

Deployment and DevOps:
  • Deploying web applications to servers.

  • Server setup and configuration.

  • Basics of continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD).

Testing and Debugging:
  • Writing unit tests for front-end and back-end code.

  • Debugging techniques for identifying and fixing issues.

Project Management and Team Collaboration:
  • Agile methodologies.

  • Issue tracking with tools like Jira or Trello.

  • Effective team collaboration and communication.

Security Best Practices:
  • Web application security.

  • Protection against common vulnerabilities, such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).

  • Data validation and sanitation.

Performance Optimization:
  • Implementing caching strategies.

  • Code optimization and profiling to enhance application performance.