PHP Laravel


PHP Laravel is a popular open-source PHP framework used for web application development. Laravel offers a robust set of tools and features to make the development process more efficient, structured, and secure.

Duration :

Offline Classroom Training : Course will be 1 to 2 months duration with live projects and sample models.

Introduction to Laravel:
  • Understanding what Laravel is, its history, and its advantages over other PHP frameworks.

Setting Up Development Environment:
  • Installation and configuration of Laravel using Composer, PHP, and other necessary tools.

Basic Concepts:
  • Understanding MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, routing, middleware, and blade templating engine.

Database Management with Eloquent ORM:
  • Working with Laravel's ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) for database management, including migrations, seeding, relationships, and querying databases.

Authentication and Authorization:
  • Implementing user authentication, creating roles, permissions, and managing access control within applications.

Validation and Form Requests:
  • Handling form validations, custom requests, and managing input data securely.

RESTful API Development:
  • Building APIs using Laravel to create, read, update, and delete resources.

Testing in Laravel:
  • Writing unit tests, feature tests, and understanding test-driven development (TDD) with Laravel's testing suite.

Frontend Tools:
  • Integration with frontend frameworks/libraries like Vue.js, React, or using Blade for server-side rendering.

Security Best Practices:
  • Implementing security measures, protecting against common web vulnerabilities like SQL injection, XSS attacks, CSRF protection, etc.

Deployment and Production:
  • Deploying Laravel applications to various hosting environments and optimizing for production.

Performance Optimization:
  • Techniques for improving application performance, including caching, database optimization, and other best practices.

Real-World Projects and Case Studies:
  • Working on practical projects or case studies to apply learned concepts in real scenarios.

Real-World Projects and Case Studies:
  • Working on practical projects or case studies to apply learned concepts in real scenarios.

Community and Resources:
  • Introduction to the Laravel community, forums, documentation, and other resources for continuous learning and support.